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Other | Approved: 7 years ago | 1.77 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0 the urinary bladder. Which of the...
...of the urinary bladder (Pyelonephritis is an...
...urinary tract. The bladder is directly connected...
...the urethra, urinary bladder, and finally the...
...of emptying the bladder is called voiding....
...urine from the bladder to the outside... highlighted? urinary bladder Where in the...
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 104 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Medicine | Downloaded: 1
...ESR Kidney, ureter, bladder (KUB) abdominal x-ray...
N/A 199
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 105 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Medicine | Downloaded: 0
...of emptying the bladder Factors affecting urinary...
...uterus presses on bladder Second trimester (...
...and pressure on bladder decreases Third trimester...
...Urinary hesitancy Neurogenic bladder See Table 52...
...flow Irritation Retention Bladder distention Diverticula Obstruction...
...Client education Continuous bladder urination TURP syndrome...
...Study Exemplar 5.2 Bladder Incontinence and Retention...
...continence requires A bladder that can expand...
...that of the bladder Incontinence occurs when...
...pressure in the bladder exceeds urethral resistance,...
...balanced diet Avoiding bladder irritants Clinical manifestations...
...Uncontrollable wetting Frequent bladder infections Lifespan and...
...pressure on the bladder Collaboration Diagnostic tests...
...Collaboration Diagnostic tests Bladder diary Urinalysis Blood...
...prostatectomy Suspension of bladder neck Pharmacologic therapy...
...smooth muscles of bladder neck ( mild...
...muscle contractions, increase bladder capacity Nonpharmacologic therapy...
...toileting Habit training Bladder training See Box... empty the bladder Etiology and pathophysiology...
...and pathophysiology When bladder emptying is impaired...
...urine accumulates and bladder becomes overdistended Causes...
...urine from the bladder to the kidney...
...obstruction of the bladder outlet Functional problem...
...History of prostate, bladder, or voiding problems...
...inability to empty bladder Difficulty starting urination...
...voiding, incontinence Distended bladder Collaboration Diagnostic tests...
...of the prostate Bladder calculi removed Correct...
...emptying of the bladder A medication with...
...decompression of the bladder via catheterization (2)...
...for bulging of bladder into vagina when...
...of strategies Education Bladder training Habit training...
...client as distended bladder drains Home care...
...nighttime toileting Review Bladder Incontinence and Retention...
...aching, flank pain Bladder calculi ( dull...
...levels Kidney, ureter, bladder (KUB) Renal ultrasonography...
N/A 218
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